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Fire Extinguisher


We are students, teachers, parents, grandparents - we are open to anyone who wants join in the campaign to demand a livable future. 

Last Generation Canada, formerly known as On2Ottawa, is a nonviolent civil resistance campaign that launched on March 1st 2023. 

Since then, Last Generation has been mobilizing and growing. We’ve blocked roads, highways and bridges in Ottawa. We’ve spent days blocking access to the YUL airport as a part of the Oil Kills coalition. And we’re only getting started.

We are the Last Generation. We are everywhere, and we are coming. 

See our action history. 

who are we?

why disruption?

who funds us?

Sustained, nonviolent civil resistance has been proven to be the most effective method to achieve change in a short amount of time. 

We know we don't have much time left. Climate tipping points are nearing as the world around us is being decimated. 

Scientists, the IPCC, and the UN have been calling on the world to take action, yet nothing has changed. Continuing business as usual is genocidal.

Non-violent civil disobedience exposes the implicit violence of the state and makes it explicit for the whole world to watch. Nonviolent civil disobedience aims to raise the cost of disruption above the cost of meeting our demand.

Read more on disruption. 

We are funded primarily by small, recurring donors. 

This money is spent on materials such as our safety vests, banners, leaflets, and helps us to host talks and support people participating in direct action. 

Learn more about our donations here.

Calls For emergency management

Since Last Generation Canada started campaigning for a National Firefighting Agency, the federal NDP and Green parties have joined the call for this demand. A National Firefighting Agency remains included in Last Generation’s call for a Climate Disaster Protection Agency.

"If warming reaches or exceeds 2°C this century, mainly richer humans will be responsible for killing roughly 1 billion mainly poorer humans through anthropogenic global warming, which is comparable with involuntary or negligent manslaughter."

"Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war"

- Martin luther king jr

Sign the Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty to END OIL AND GAS by 2030

We need a real treaty. Not the Paris Agreement that amounted to nothing.


The biggest factor in mitigating the climate crisis is ending the fossil fuel era. 


We have to end fossil fuels before they end us. 

Without ending oil and gas, we are sentenced to the breakdown of our society through floods, drought, fires and food shortage. The science is clear; we need action. 

The Fossil Fuel Nonproliferation Treaty is backed by 14 nation states. We demand the government sign and make this treaty legally binding.



We are holding our officials to do what they were elected to do; protect their citizens. Canada is without a National Firefighting Agency, relying on international forces and volunteers. Billions of dollars of damage were done this year in extreme weather events. Homes flooded, people evacuated, towns burned - our government needs to prepare for this. We aren’t ready. We’re only at 1.5 degrees.


Le poids de la crise climatique pèse sur les gens ordinaires qui n'ont pas les moyens de s'offrir des forces de lutte contre les incendies privées. Les entreprises les plus responsables de cette crise étaient pleinement conscientes de ses impacts ; il est temps pour elles de PAYER.

Pink Powder

citizen's assemblies

Establishing a Establishing a National Emergency Management Agency is the first bare-minimum step the government must take to protect its citizens. 

Yet we cannot trust our political systems to protect us - since 1970, emissions have only risen by 90%. Our politicians have been bought, as their inaction on the climate crisis is sentencing us to death. 
We know the impacts of the climate crisis are going to continue to hit us, even if we stop all emissions today. We want to put the power back into the hands of ordinary people - to secure us a true democracy that can create solutions that best address the needs of everyone. 

Citizens assemblies are semi-randomly selected groups of ordinary people, who are then educated by experts to make decisions that best reflect the needs of the community. 

2025 03 19 Tesla storefront.jpg


There is a moral imperative to engage in nonviolent civil resistance. 
Research done on non-violent direct action shows that nonviolence is 2x as likely to succeed as violence, and that sustained, nonviolent direct action is the most effective tool to bring about fast and widespread change. Come to a social, event, or talk to learn more about the climate crisis and how you can get involved to change the world.


We can win. Apathy is not an option at this point. 

Read up on "Why Civil Resistance Works". 


80% of Canadian cities are built on floodplains

We are all at risk.

Most Canadians have no coverage for flood damages

Only 10-15% of people in Canada are insured for rebuilding and damages after a flooding event.

Canada's Climate Disaster Stats

Indigenous communities are 18x more likely to be impacted by a severe weather event

Over 80% of these communities are at risk of evacuation due to fires.

The government has only committed 2 billion over the next decade to climate adaptation

We lost 5% of Canada's forest since 2023

Canada’s boreal forest has been hit especially hard as we lose our last precious carbon sinks.

30% of Jasper burned in summer 2024

This fire evacuated over 20 000 people.

Over 7 billion in insured damages were done in summer 2024

This shatters any other summer on record.

Over 230 000 were evacuated during wildfires in 2023

These are the impacts at 1.5 degrees. Who is going to save you?

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